Chinese suffer internet addiction or China is witch-hunting internet use?
I was closely watching the Chinese internet users surveys over the last few months. On the “Misleading survey on Chinese online users” post I raised my doubts concerning surveys with headlines as “70% of Chinese Netizens Suffer Internet Health Disorder”. I sensed that the government might be deploying an organized agenda to prevent the Chinese internet dream. I think China is trying hard to convince Chinese parents and educators that there is a real threat around.
JWT survey shed some lights on the issue by comparing USA internet behavior to those of the Chinese. In this survey – the Chinese users displayed more signs of internet dependency than those in the USA. Other studies present a somewhat healthy profile for Chinese on line users, who blog and become emotionally involved.
The labeling of this dependency and the misleading interpretations is what I argue against.
Another support to my argument can be found by a new survey released today. This time – it was not about 70% of Chinese netizens to be labeled as “sick” but only 10% of Chinese netizens found “addicted” (were the rest cured???).
The survey analyzed internet addictions according to three criteria. Users were actually defined addictive if they fitted in one of the three following criteria:
1- A person feels happier or more self-fulfilled online than in real world.
2 – A person feels upset, depressed, or panicked when being cut off from the Internet for any reason.
3- A person lies to the family members about how long he spends online.
( I wonder what were the results for each of the criteria chosen (not the aggregated data)?)
I am turning this to you!
(Following trends can bring up paranoia, nonetheless – I will be upset if I was cut off the internet..)
Are these the right criteria for internet addiction?
Is feeling more happy and self fulfilled on-line can be labeled as an addiction?
Do you see a bias in the Chinese reports?
China reported 210 million Internet users at the end of 2007. By claiming for addictions and health disorders will China succeed to stop the race for dominating the on-line population?
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January 31st, 2008 at 1:59 am
“A person feels happier or more self-fulfilled online than in real world” i dont think this criteria could be considered as internet addictions at least in china. just think of the society n wot happened in china now, n u wil know the score. i could tel u more in depth if u r interested anyway, coz i m a chinese
February 2nd, 2008 at 7:57 am
Dear Soco,
Sure, you are right!
That can not hold as a satisfying description for internet addiction. Your country is dealing with inside pressures we no only little about.
We would like to hear more about it from you.
Do contact us in anyway you can.
July 20th, 2008 at 11:00 am
sto andando dire ai miei amici circa questo luogo – ? solo perfetto!
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