Internet trends: marketing research & predictions

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Driving work forces behind millennial women

November 30th, 2010 by Dr. Taly Weiss

The “Next” Generation: What Chatroulette Can Teach The Social Media

March 19th, 2010 by Dr. Taly Weiss

For a Better (Digital) World

November 3rd, 2009 by Dr. Taly Weiss

American Brands Continue to Dominate in Times of Global Recession: 2006-2009 Global Brands Equity

September 22nd, 2009 by Dr. Taly Weiss

Google’s Favicon: A Discussion On Brand Identity With Bill Gardner

January 20th, 2009 by Apurba Sen

Emoticons – a trend to last?

December 6th, 2007 by Dr. Taly Weiss

The Chinese dream versus the American dream: Chinese and US online surveys

November 29th, 2007 by Dr. Taly Weiss

The Internet Agenda: Internet more essential than TV: worldwide youths surveys

July 18th, 2007 by Dr. Taly Weiss

Blogging – working or having fun?

April 28th, 2007 by Dr. Taly Weiss

sexual identities in blogs

January 16th, 2007 by Dr. Taly Weiss

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