Internet trends: marketing research & predictions

2011 Influencers Predictions

2011 Trends Predictions

TrendsSpotting Market Research has completed the release of the 4th annual report – THE NEW NEXT 2011, following major digital trends. In this series we have featured the predictions of digital and marketing experts on the big changes awaiting us in the coming year. We have followed major trends in three of the most promising categories to dominate the web this year: Social media, Tech and Mobile.

By adopting the “tweet style” format (limited to 140 characters), we were able to provide our readers with a more focused image of the predicted trends.

What we have learned from working with different consumer domains is that one consumer behavior can develop into another behavior. People are looking for ways to display these behaviors. Technologies offer them such solutions.

Influenced by consumer preferences as well as by external circumstances, new industries are opening up to answer consumer needs. We are interested in finding out how such future developments may unfold next year.

To predict 2011 TrendsSpotting is using a unique forecasting model based on four fundamental roots:

The CTBI Prediction Model

1. Consumers behaviors and needs

2. Technologies: What platforms / devices will enable such behaviors?

3. Business Strategies Business challenges and opportunities

4. Industry Outlook: What new markets will be most influenced by these new behaviors? (mobile, games, video, online shopping, advertising etc.)

The New Next – Cross Dominating Trends for 2011:

Reviewing the predicted trends across the different categories, 2011 will be a year in which consumers will exchange recommendations (friends and followers) and make use of their social influence to empower public matters. For that they will require not only a public platform (as Facebook) but also a more private and local stage to insure authentic conversations (Google+?). Consumers will be willing to experiment with many devices and screens as well as a wide range of mobile consumer activities (messaging, recommendations, checkins and couponing). For purely entertainment, we will see more people playing games and using TV entertainment online.

Consumers will be testing new technologies as LBS, NFC, AR, sensory and kinetic devices to enrich their experiences.

We will see many industries come to flourish, among them are: advertising, travel, banking and of course – the online / mobile shopping players. Taking advantage of “connected devices and objects” (“the internet of things”) traditional industries as health, automobile and public / private safety will develop new businesses to be implemented starting this year.

About TrendsSpotting’s Prediction Reports

TrendsSpotting is busy providing trend predictions and market analysis all year long. At the end of the year, we try to reward our readers by providing them with focused insights and multi-perspective trends to follow, in a nicely designed package.
You can refer to our previous entries in the series: TrendsSpotting’s Influencers 2010, 2009, 2008 .

If you are interested in updated reports capturing trends in your markets and tracing new opportunities, you are welcome to contact us

Presented here are the three presentation reports.


Dr. Taly Weiss and The TrendsSpotting Team.

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