Internet trends: marketing research & predictions

TrendsSpotting reviews on... gaming

Gamification as a tool for innovation

May 16th, 2016 by Dr. Taly Weiss


January 11th, 2012 by Dr. Taly Weiss

How crowdsourcing games help solve scientific problems: Review of current projects

October 6th, 2011 by Dr. Taly Weiss

The New Next: 2011 Tech Influencers Predictions

February 2nd, 2011 by Dr. Taly Weiss

Mobile Trends and Augmented Reality: RWW Unconference

May 8th, 2010 by Dr. Taly Weiss

Summary: TrendsSpotting 2010 Influencers Series: Trend Predictions in 140 Characters

January 20th, 2010 by Dr. Taly Weiss

Mobile Paid Games – still an Early Stage Market: US Online Survey

May 23rd, 2009 by Dr. Taly Weiss

Mobile 2009-2020 Predictions: TrendsSpotting publishes Influencers Predictions issue 2

December 29th, 2008 by Dr. Taly Weiss

Capturing Trends in Online Gaming

December 20th, 2008 by Dr. Taly Weiss

Target Audiences for Online Games Advertising: US Research Review

November 30th, 2008 by Dr. Taly Weiss

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