Internet trends: marketing research & predictions

Myspace versus Facebook – social networks in the eyes of the blogsphere

June 20th, 2007 by

A new rumor is passing by in these last few hours: News Corp. considers offloading MySpace for a sizeable stake (25-30%) in Yahoo!. That would put the value of MySpace at around $10-12 billion.

Once Myspace is being valued, readwriteweb makes a clever connection to the value of Facebook according to its recent popularity: “While the numbers show that MySpace continues to grow, Facebook is growing at a faster rate (and fastest among the more attractive 25 and older demographic), and the Facebook platform has experienced phenomenal growth in its first month. It is attracting over 1,000 new developers per day and has resulted in 1,500 applications, according to Facebook , and the top 5 applications have almost 20 million users”.
Using blogpulse search engine I compared between the volumes those two social networks generate on blog talk (see graph). Assuming that the blogsphere is a valid estimation tool for social networks success – facebook has still a long way to go.


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4 Responses

  1. Breaking Rumors, News, Truemors Says:

    […] a rumor: MySpace Going To Yahoo! For $12.3 Billion. +1 score       link    spread 12:29 pm by reg3   News […]

  2. Rodney Rumford Says:

    Intersting slice of data…

    Umm. Facebook already has success. The real proof is in the trend of bloggers (and non bloggers) adding facebook to what they do and how they communicate. I know that there is no way to measure this… but anecdotally we are seeing lot’s of high profile bloggers really get into facebook and use it in conjunction with blogging.

    There are lots of useful applications that bloggers use (twitter for example) and lot’s of these tools can be used right within facebook. There are many new useful facebook applications showing up every day.


    Rodney Rumford

  3. » Blog Archive » Facebook vs. MySpace: 2007 West Side StoryTrendsspotting Says:

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