Internet trends: marketing research & predictions

Sex and the City or Music and the City?

March 18th, 2007 by

If you had to take a guess on what’s the hottest subject brought up in blogs – would you gamble on fashion, sex  or music?
Using icerocket blog search I found strong evidence to the fact that our fast growing internet population is one big music community (see graph 1).
Look at the numbers – everyday you can find an average of 17,428 posts that bring out a new discussion over music. “Sex” does receive a higher volume in blogs compared to “fashion”, but it seems that if you consider placing yourself in a popular field of interest – music is certainly the place to be in (“music” receives 2 times more citations in blog compared to “sex”, 6 times more compared to “fashion”) . I tend to explain the Jan 07 peak by the highlights from various 2006 annual reviews (do you have alternative explanations?)
As for google search on these topics – google trends search presents a different picture – people are using google more for “sex” than for “music” (graph 2). But, specifically for NY city (“sex and the city“) carrie_bradshaw might have been wrong: for the New Yorkers “music” is more dominant than “sex” in google search (graph 3).


graph 1


graph 2


graph 3

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One Response

  1. porno Says:

    Come on !

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