Cybers: a neglected culture
cybers can be defined in general as a cross-culture population who share an interest in web / internet applications and functions.
Cybers are members of the Virtual community who show an increasing involvement in Community 2.0 and follow Cyberculture characteristics.
Cybers are the biggest community in the world, where 1,114,274,426 (about 17% penetration rate) are registered as internet users (internetworldstats). Although this is by no doubt an influential population (by numbers and effect) – it has not yet received a name or dedicated phrase. Until now, while referring to internet users – they were named as a community or a culture.
While I try to follow this community and to understand their characteristics and preferences, it came to my mind that unlike other communities and cultures we term and phrase, we have neglected this fast emerging community. Would CYBERS be an appropriate term? Let’s see if it will be accepted by wikipedia…
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May 11th, 2007 at 7:01 am
Wow! It’s nice to know where we belong (be it widely accepted or not in the term of the “term”) A suggestion: why not fill in the Wiki term yourself? Wikipedia also is just a nickname for somethine that could be named the Competent New World Compenduum or Cyber New World (replacing the “BRave New World” term) and you are so competent in figuring out what’s this all about cyber trends and TrendsSpotting. So go for it.
TrendsSpotting deserve that.