Internet trends: marketing research & predictions

What’s on a blogger’s mind? – updated

March 22nd, 2007 by

blogging, writing our ideas, posting mini articles – we bloggers have adopted an activity most of us have never engaged with before. Yes, I have written academic papers, I have written few times to a marketing- advertising magazine. But never on a regular basis. So many of us, with different backgrounds have added this activity as a routine to their life. We write, we try to focus on something new, we try to interest our sometimes unknown audience. I imagine that no matter what we blog about we probably have some common goals: we write to be reached, we write to be read and appreciated. We all try to follow our success, and to do our job’s right. We are the creators, the advertising professional, the media experts and the producers all in one person (or sometimes a group of people sharing the responsibility).This on mind, I tried to compare between 3 topics of interest, most bloggers might be interested in while wearing the hat of the producer: tagging, getting/giving comments and avoiding spam.

I used icerocket blogs search engine to compare between the terms: tags, comments and spam. It seems that while we write (blogs) we deal mostly with “tags” and “comments”. Both terms hold equal position on a blogger’s mind, and they do influence our writings  (about 1% of all posts). 

unfortunately, I can’t learn much about other terms (as traffic) for they might have other meanings too (car traffic for example).



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