Web 2.0 Brand Study: Top 25 Words In Obama’s Inauguration Day Speech
Barack Obama took the oath of office to become the first black president in US history Tuesday, proclaiming America had chosen “hope over fear” and must unite in a “new era of responsibility” to triumph over its multiple crises. We have captured the top 25 words Obama used in his inauguration days speech.
And here is how it compares with his famous winning speech on November 08:
Obama is a Web 2.0 icon – “People” & “World” always secured a place in top 25 words his speech. As he takes charge, the President demonstrates that he is already into “Work” & reaffirms that this is the “Generation” who would drive the changes & bring in “Prosperity”.
“We remain a young nation, but in the words of Scripture, the time has come to set aside childish things. The time has come to reaffirm our enduring spirit; to choose our better history; to carry forward that precious gift, that noble idea, passed on from generation to generation: the God-given promise that all are equal, all are free, and all deserve a chance to pursue their full measure of happiness.”
Though the word “Hope” misses the top 25 list in Obama’s inaugural speech , the World hopes on Obama & we do hope his reformation plans will usher an era of prosperity. Thanks to Natalie for this wonderful graph on Swivel.
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February 5th, 2009 at 9:44 am
Do the same graph, but switch the constraints to “top 50 words” and use George W. Bush’s inauguration speech. Faith and God pop out. Also, FDR’s speech looks very similar to Obama’s in a wordle. “America” and “Nation” btw, are the most common words used in every single inauguration speech. Not surprising, really.