Trendsspotting Wishes Happy Deepawali
October 24th, 2008 by Apurba Sen
It’s the most wonderful time of the year when Deepawali , the festival of light & fireworks, will bring together the one billion-plus population in India & others around the world . Few more days to go , but despite of economic downturn what we are seeing at Google trends is essentially Pre-Deepawali buzz.Topping the list is ‘Diwali greetings’. ‘Diwali wishes’, ‘Happy diwali’ follows next.
Google & orkut always brings pleasent suprises for its Indian users. For example the Google 2007 deepawali logo & this beautiful Orkut 2006 logo : |
The days of Deepawali always raises the sound pollution level to very high decibels . But can a Diwali happen without firecrackers? Ofcourse Eco -friendly ideas are there on Yahoo ! answer . However this year with rising fireworks prices – you should expect a less noisy Diwali.
TrendsSpotting wishes all its readers a happy & prosporous Deepawali .
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