Internet trends: marketing research & predictions

Google’s Android – where’s the buzz?

November 17th, 2007 by


Google’s announcement over its Android raised lots of doubts and ambiguity over the web. Some speculate on its success, while others still stick to the belief that eventually Google will present the promised g-Phone. Either way, when I checked its buzz over the online media, Google’s search queries, and the blogsphere, it seems that Android shows relatively low effect.

1. iPhone, in the same time period, still receives much higher effect on blogs (see graph 1).
2. Google Hot Trends shows that only on the announcement date (November 5) – Android made it to the top 100 “hot” searches.
3. Online media buzz declines significantly as shown by my search on Trendio (see graph 2).

Understanding Google’s PR potential – is it a “keep it low” strategy or have we all lost faith and interest?


graph 1: Android, gPhone vs. iPhone (IceRocket)


graph 2: Android on online media (Trendio)

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3 Responses

  1. PaulSweeney Says:

    Maybe the “real point” here is the nature of the conversation each company has created with its users: could you say that google has FANS, because I suspect that the first 250,000 apple fans play a big part in keeping the buzz going.

  2. talyweiss Says:

    Good point. Its more about feelings than about power (see Microsoft)

  3. Android’s Hype Cycle: Will Netbooks Revive It? | Trendsspotting Says:

    […] almost the time to review Android . We reported earlier that Google’s announcement on Android raised lots of doubts & ambiguity […]

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