Driving work forces behind millennial women
Euro RSCG Worldwide has recently published findings from The Millennial and Gender study (survey of 3,000 adults in China, France, India, the U.K., and the U.S).
The first findings released in the report presented the perceptions of millennial respondents (aged 18 to 25) in three western countries: U.S., U.K. and France.
While the scope of research lies in gender differences of general life experiences, I’ve chosen to highlight work related findings. In this context, it is important to note the recession might have influenced respondents differently, according to their country of origin.
1. Priorities in the choice of the workplace:
While western men prioritize rather equally between salary, work atmosphere and work life balance while looking for a new job (with an emphasis on salary in particular among men in the U.K.), western females point to life-work balance as their top concern (that is even when motherhood is not yet a relevant concern in the life of these young women)
2. Work motivations:
Demographic differences can be easily captured:
- Women tend to value self fulfillment more than men do (differences look most pronounced among UK respondents).
- For US millennial women money is a stronger motivation in work compared to US men. US men on the other hand, are the most socially driven people compared to all age and country groups. Their wish to contribute to the country’s welfare is largely pronounced.
- The importance of self fulfillment is much larger among French respondents (for both men and women) compared to respondent in the UK and US. This might be due to perceptions influenced by the impact of the recession. In countries more badly hit by the downturn, self fulfillment might be perceived as a luxury.
(Note: these two questions are subjected to biases: not all respondents similarly admit true forces that drive their life. Men and women, as well as those coming from different countries, may confront with the social biases differently, thus masking the real effect).
Lastly, the report quotes finding from the recent US National Economic Council, presenting points of success and barriers that awaits the above millennial women in the work force:
Will the strong desire for self fulfillment observed in the survey among young females be powerful enough to change this gloomy image?
Further reading:
The white paper, “Are Women the New Men?”
(watch the video presentation of Marian Salzman, president of Euro RSCG Worldwide PR) .
Follow up on TrendsSpotting’s review on women in technology “What It Takes To Be A Digital Woman“.
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