Internet trends: marketing research & predictions

Visualization of Real Time Moods

July 26th, 2010 by

We have previously discussed visualization techniques of moods and emotions. We have used “We Feel Fine” data mining engine to uncover what the year 2007 holds for people as they write about their feelings in blogs. Moodgrapher helped us to follow emotions during symbolic dates as Valentine or tragic events as the one of Hurricane Katrina. We have also analyzed the development of “emoticons” and what they reflect.

With the ability to track feelings on real time we can further extend our knowledge:

Computer scientist Alan Mislove at Northeastern University in Boston and colleagues followed emotions expressed in  Twitter’s tweets.

They have found that the west coast is happier than the east coast, and across the country happiness peaks during early morning time. Unsurprisingly, people are happier during weekends.



1. The researchers analyzed 300 million public tweets of claimed US Twitter users, posted between September 2006 and August 2009.

2. They ranked words according to a psychological word-rating system (Affective Norms for English Words) which can distinguish between positive and negative words.

3. The researchers calculated the average mood score of all the users living in a state hour by hour and so created a timed series of mood maps. They morphed the maps so that the size of each county reflected the number of Twitter users living there.

Have a look at the map (video) to learn how different emotions (green represents happier emotions) are washing the nation east to west throughout the day – and notice the three hours time delay effect.

Read past research on Twitter:

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20 Responses

  1. pablofie (Pablo) Says:

    Twitter Comment

    Increíble análisis basado en los estados anímicos a través de seguimiento de palabras clave y emoticonos. [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  2. derekyau (derek yau) Says:

    Twitter Comment

    Visualization of Real-Time Mood spotting – using tweets to determine the mood pulse of the nation ([link to post])

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  3. KIDDERUPDATES (Jonathan Kidder) Says:

    Twitter Comment

    Visualization of Real Time Moods from Twitter [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  4. BradleyCallow (Bradley Callow) Says:

    Twitter Comment

    RT @TrendsSpotting: Twitter mood analysis: people are happier early morning, during weekends, and on the west coast [link to post]

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  5. ipeko (Ipek Tunca) Says:

    Twitter Comment

    I can relate RT:@TrendsSpotting Twitter mood analysis: people happier early morning, weekends & on the west coast [link to post]

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  6. lisa333 (Lisa Jiang) Says:

    Twitter Comment

    apparently we’re happier early morning and on the west coast [link to post]

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  7. TrendsSpotting (Taly Weiss) Says:

    Twitter Comment

    Twitter mood analysis: people are happier early morning, during weekends, and on the west coast [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  8. smith Says:

    very nice and informative post about Visualization of Real Time Moods from Twitter.

  9. rreitsma (Reineke Reitsma) Says:

    Twitter Comment

    RT @TrendsSpotting Visualization of Real Time Moods [link to post] Mapping the emotions expressed in Twitter’s tweets

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  10. arlindas (Arlinda Sipila) Says:

    Twitter Comment

    RT @rreitsma: RT @TrendsSpotting Visualization of Real Time Moods [link to post] Mapping the emotions expressed in Twitter’s tweets

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  11. JinAtSmilely Says:

    That’s a really cool infographic!

  12. themaria (Maria Ogneva) Says:

    Twitter Comment

    Apparently west coast is happier than east, and FL is always happy! RT @TrendsSpotting Visualization of Real Time Moods [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

  13. PerksConsulting (PerksConsulting) Says:

    Twitter Comment

    RT @TrendsSpotting Visualization of Real Time Moods [link to post] /via @themaria

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  14. evanhamilton (Evan Hamilton) Says:

    Twitter Comment

    Happier on the West Coast? I believe it. RT @TrendsSpotting Visualization of Real Time Moods [link to post]

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  15. ShaunRudy (Shaun Rudy) Says:

    Twitter Comment

    Moodgrapher tracks moods daily via tweet linguistics and emoticons – [link to post] RT @trendsspotting #socialmedia #psychology

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  16. danericketts (Dane Ricketts) Says:

    Twitter Comment

    No surprise here – Twitter mood analysis shows that ppl are happier in the mornings & on weekends [link to post] (via @TrendsSpotting)

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  17. SophiesWebb (SophiesWebb) Says:

    Twitter Comment

    Visualization of Real Time Moods, [link to post]

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  18. Susie Says:

    Interesting visualisation of real time moods…though I’m not usually happier in the mornings!

  19. Mathew Says:

    Hey Folks,

    please read my new interesting article about internet trends:

  20. devseo (Alex Hall) Says:

    Twitter Comment

    Visualization of Real Time Moods – [link to post]

    Posted using Chat Catcher

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