Internet trends: marketing research & predictions

What Goes Viral? Digital Storytelling

July 19th, 2010 by

digital storytelling

I happened to be involved in an interesting case study on “Digital Storytelling”.

Guy Kawasaki is preparing the last draft on his new exciting book “Enchantment : The Art of Getting People to Do What You Want”. Last week, I was discussing storytelling with Guy for one of the chapters in his book. I suggested him to read a good article I’ve found on the subject, written by Rick Braddy. Guy has tweeted the article in Alltop and renamed it “How to use storytelling for a product intro”. Unsurprisingly, the article went viral in no time.

Rick Braddy has dedicated a post on that. He says that “after several years of investing in my blog, it’s great to see I’ve finally struck a chord and people are excited about incorporating storytelling into their marketing”.

We can learn much on Digital Storytelling from this case study.

Storytelling needs not only a well written memorable tale, but also a catchy title which is instructive “How to use” and is directly connected to needs (“a product intro”), an effective distribution channel (Alltop is one good example) and of course, a well respected teller (or ambassador in this case, which can bridge between different cultures- business, marketing and digital).

That’s all on “How you do storytelling on storytelling…”

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8 Responses

  1. jkeithdunbar (JKeithDunbar) Says:

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    RT @nancyrubin: What Goes Viral? Digital Storytelling [link to post]

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  2. nancyrubin (nancyrubin) Says:

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    What Goes Viral? Digital Storytelling [link to post]

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  3. etiennegatti (Etienne Gatti) Says:

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    RT @TrendsSpotting What Goes Viral? Digital Storytelling [link to post]

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  4. ZachJordan (ZachJordan) Says:

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    RT @TrendsSpotting: “How to do storytelling on storytelling” [link to post]

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  5. TrendsSpotting (Taly Weiss) Says:

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    “How to do storytelling on storytelling” [link to post]

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  6. storytellin (storyt) Says:

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    What Goes Viral? Digital Storytelling | Trendsspotting: How to use storytelling for a product intro” [link to post]

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  7. 7iberINC (7iber) Says:

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    RT @storytellin: What Goes Viral? Digital Storytelling | Trendsspotting: How to use storytelling for a product intro” [link to post]

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  8. Jon Thomas Says:

    While there’s no doubt that adding a catchy title and multiple distribution channels to a story will help it spread, we like to think that the BEST stories spread themselves, and those with the best stories win.

    I love coming across fellow storytellers for business. Too many companies are focused on their features instead of their story. Stories resonate far better than “Twice as much for half the price!!”

    Jon Thomas
    Story Worldwide

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