Summary: TrendsSpotting 2010 Influencers Series: Trend Predictions in 140 Characters
TrendsSpotting Market Research has completed the release of the “2010 Influencers Series: Trend predictions in 140 characters”. We have followed major trends in six of the most promising categories to dominate the web this year: Social media | Consumer Trends | Tech and IT | Online Marketing | Video | Mobile.
In this series we featured the predictions of digital and marketing experts on the big changes awaiting us.
By adopting the “tweet style” format (limited to 140 characters), we were able to provide our readers with a more focused image of the predicted trends. Many of those trends were actually re-tweeted individually.
Cross Dominating Trends for 2010:
Reviewing the trends across the different categories, 2010 will be a year in which data will be placed in clouds. Increase use of smartphones will lead to new users habits dominated by local information, providing a new exciting (and at the same time – terrifying) bridge between the “real” and the “virtual”. Apps will continue to be hot as consumer goods. Netbooks will be replaced by cheaper notebooks and smartphones. Video (together with 3D and games) will take bigger steps in replacing traditional Television as the main entertainment platform.
There are smart advertising solutions in all the above channels, ready for brands to experiment, measure and retain better ROI. Expect those who dare to put aside ROI – to enjoy an innovative brand image that can last and overcome competition.
Consumers at large, have adopted new expectations from brands and from themselves as shoppers. They are much more aware (price, health, value) and skeptical. At the same time – they aren’t sacrificing any technological advancement.
Final words:
Hats off to the experts who participated and submitted their insightful prediction tweets. We also wish to thank all of you that helped us create the buzz for the reports.
By now, we have enjoyed over 40,000 views on alone, not including the news mention at the New York Times / RWW, Mashable, eXaminer, and the many of the blogs’ reviews, tweets and Facebook’s notes.
Personal remarks:
I find it a challenging experiment, to influence by spreading the trends.
As a Social Psychologist with an advertising background, I realize that the very act of predicting trends, can influence how trends actually catch on. In any case, it will be an exciting year if all the expectations we’ve covered will come true.
Taly Weiss and The TrendsSpotting Team.
Continue following us here and @trendsspotting.
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January 26th, 2010 at 3:20 am
Thx. Very Interesting for à German People.
March 11th, 2010 at 2:07 pm
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RT @TrendsSpotting Summary: TrendsSpotting 2010 Influencers Series: Trend Predictions in 140 Charact.. [link to post]
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March 16th, 2010 at 2:51 pm
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Interesting read: Summary: TrendsSpotting 2010 Influencers Series: Trend Predictions in 140 Characters – [link to post]
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