2010 Social Media Influencers – Trend Predictions in 140 Characters (1st Report, by TrendsSpotting)
New! TrendsSpotting has released the second report from the the series: “2010 Influencers on Consumer Trends – Trend Predictions in 140 characters“.
In this report, the 2010 Social Media trends are foretasted by:
@petecashmore PETE CASHMORE Founder, CEO Mashable
@armano DAVID ARMANO Senior Partner, Dachis Group Author, Logic and Emotion
@chrisbrogan CHRIS BROGAN President, New Marketing Labs
@peterkim PETER KIM Managing Director, N.America Dachis Group
SETH GODIN, Bestselling Author, Entrepreneur & Agent of change
@litmanlive MICHAEL LITMAN Social Media Strategist Consolidated PR
@tamar TAMAR WEINBERG, Community & Marketing Manager, Mashable
@johnbattelle JOHN BATTELLE Founder & Chairman Federated Media
@mariansalzman MARIAN SALZMAN President, N.America Euro PR, Trend Spotter & Author
@mzkagan MARTA KAGAN Managing Director, US Espresso- Brand Infiltration
@danzarrella DAN ZARRELLA Social & Viral Marketing Scientist HubSpot
@emarketer eMARKETER Digital Intelligence
@drewmclellan DREW McLELLAN Founder and Author The Marketing Minute
@idc CAROLINE DANGSON Digital Marketplace Research Analyst IDC
@jasonfalls JASON FALLS Social Media Strategist Social Media Explorer
@charleneli CHARLENE LI Founder Altimeter Group
@gauravonomics GAURAV MISHRA CEO 2020 Social Online
@marc_meyer MARC MEYER Principal Digital Marketing Response Group
@emarketer JEFFREY GARU Senior Analyst eMarketer 2010
@jimmy_wales JIMMY WALES Founder Wikipedia
@alecjross ALEC ROSS Sr Advisor -Innovation State Department
@CraigNewmark CRAIG NEWMARK Founder of Craiglist
@scobleizer ROBERT SCOBLE Technical Evangelist Rackspace
@dmscott DAVID MEERMAN SCOTT Marketing Strategist & Author World Wide Rave
@roncallari RON CALLARI Social Media
@ravit_ustrategy RAVIT LICHTENBERG Founder & Chief Strategist Ustrategy.com
@equalman ERIK QUALMAN Author Socialnomics
@pgillin PAUL GILLIN Writer, Author & Social Media Consultant Principal
@adambroitman ADAM BROITMAN Partner & Ringleader Circ.us
@cbensen CONNIE BENSEN Director of Social Media & Community Strategy Alterian
@mikearauz MIKE ARAUZ Strategist Undercurrent
@nenshad Nenshad Badoliwalla Co-author Driven to Performance
@adamcohen ADAM COHEN Partner Rosetta
@danielwaisberg DANIEL WAISBERG Head of Web Analytics Easynet
@communitygirl ANGELA CONNOR Journalist & Community Strategist
@trendsspotting TALY WEISS CEO and Head of Research TrendsSpotting.com
Findings: Major trends in 2010 Social Media
Across many of these predictions, we have identified the following trends suggested to influence 2010 Social Media: Mobile, Location, Transparency, Measurement, ROI, Privacy.
Reflecting on 2009 predictions – not much has changed.
We conclude that 2009 did not meet its expectations.
How about 2010?
Already released from the Trend Prediction Influencers Series:
@2010 Social Media (published also at NYTimes / RWW, Mashable, Examiner)
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December 22nd, 2009 at 5:35 am
I’m humbled to be included in this list and looking forward to digesting everyone’s predictions. Thanks again for including me.
December 24th, 2009 at 7:02 am
Like Adam, it’s a pleasure to be involved with such luminaries. Thanks.
December 29th, 2009 at 12:49 pm
Taly, it is an honor to be included in this collection of experts and thought leaders. I especially like how you captured trends from both established and permanent write-ups AND those fleeting twitter bites that we may have never seen otherwise.
To me, it has always been about people, relationships, critical thinking, and forward-movement; I’m so delighted that my words and perspective resonate with TrendsSpotting and with the community.
To a wonderful 2010!
January 3rd, 2010 at 4:14 pm
There is a ton of interesting insight in this deck. I was happy to share it on my blog and thrilled to be included.
January 7th, 2010 at 11:10 am
These are many of the canaries in the coal mine-Great list of “experts”!!!
April 17th, 2010 at 1:53 am
Thanks for sharing this important stuff
May 23rd, 2010 at 12:42 pm
You guys already following ALL of ’em?
October 10th, 2010 at 11:52 pm
You have explained everything so well. This write-up deserves a tweet.
October 11th, 2010 at 5:07 am
You are just too good at explaining things! I have found this extremely useful. Please keep us posted.
October 11th, 2010 at 5:07 am
At last, I found the information I was looking for in months. I think I need to save this link.
December 23rd, 2010 at 3:07 am
This is exactly what I was looking for. I am going to share this with my team members. I think we can do better now.
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December 20th, 2011 at 2:14 pm
Wow! Great idea…
January 4th, 2012 at 1:45 pm
Nice idea. What about 2012?
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February 10th, 2012 at 11:21 pm
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February 10th, 2012 at 11:22 pm
thank you for a quite useful view, i hope you would do a follow up post because i can never learn enough on this topic