Moods and emotion detectors: through the looking glass
Seeking for original research tools I found MoodViews’ Moodgrapher: The Moodgrapher plots the mood levels reported by LiveJournal users in their posts. You can choose dates and pick desirable moods to search on. Moodgrapher will allow you to compare two different moods and will present it all in nice charts.
This concept much resembles wefeelfine (which collects emotions from a much larger database of blogs), but seems more friendly to research with.
Both applications are certainly part of a major research trend: using the blogsphere (do you know that “blogsphere” was found to be one of the most irritating words?) as a unique mirror to our mind.
See how much calmer and less busy we became towards NewYear (graph 1).
See love feelings generated on Valentine (graph 2).
See how Hurricane Katrina effected us before and during August 29, 2005 (graph 3)
Finally: the hottest moods in the blogsphere according to the last 10 minutes are:
– working
– cheerful
– good
– accomplished
– amused
The least popular moods are
– pissed
– awake
– gloomy
– tired
– lonely
graph 1 – busy vs. calm (NewYear) reports on posts
graph 2- loved vs lonely (Valentine). reports on blog posts
graph 3 – worried during Hurricane Katrina. reports on blog posts
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June 25th, 2007 at 7:02 pm
Just a quick point — these numbers and charts record peoples’ emotions as intended for others’ consumption. I assume this would correlate well in some ways with actual (or even just private) emotions, but I’ll bet there are some real differences in unusual circumstances.
Valentine’s day is probably a good example. On V-day, love is (along with the things it usually is) a status symbol for some. Or maybe some feel compelled to say they’re feeling loved when they aren’t because the significant other in a troubled relationship reads your blog. I’m guessing that LJ’ers don’t really feel six or seven times as loved on V-day as they do, say, on Flag day.
Just a thought.
December 19th, 2008 at 4:05 am
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