Photo Sharing Trends: Flickr Released Trends Search Tool
The concept of cloud computing is catching fast, and Google is a major player. According to Google, about 150,000 developers have built 50,000 applications on its App Engine so far, which draw about 100 million page views per day.
Flickr released this week its own data mining tool which uses Google App Engine to present the relative popularity of two compared tags. Flickr fans are already playing with the new tool, suggesting many such trends.
Following the millions who share photos online TrendsSpotting highlights the next observed trends:
1. Kiss versus hug
Capturing a kiss in a photo is much more popular than a hug.
People tend to kiss in cycles: more often at the beginning of summer and as autumn begins.
2. In the controversy of Mac versus PC, the brand overcomes its category.
3. Twitters’ related photos run in a similar pattern to those of Facebooks’. Their trends volume does get closer.
More on Flickr trends here and here
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May 21st, 2009 at 7:00 pm
Hmm, more insights concerning the hugs and kisses:
We kiss and hug more this year than last year.
We are take more photos of kissing and hugging this year versus last year
(the “wishful thinking view)
we just share more photos this year versus last year.
May 28th, 2009 at 3:45 am
Umm. This graph is completely skewed. There are tens of thousands more hugs than kisses, however there are just less photos of them. They don’t have the same emotional connotations that a kiss do therefore are considered to be less of a big deal.