Twitter is more sensitive to news buzz than Facebook – Swine flu case study
During the last week of April – the global buzz around the swine flu was vastly spreading, as reflected in online activity measures. Following this buzz here is what we have learned:
1. Swine flu hysteria is decreasing
Web measures show significant indications for this public hysteria to decline
(Google search volume, Blogs citations , Faecbook Lexicon Twitter trends)
2. Comparing the trend acceleration graph of Facebook (2nd graph) to Twitter’s (1st graph) – it is obvious that news spread much faster through Twitter. It took Swine Flu news no more than 3 days to reach a peak in Twitter (peak was registered on April 27), that’s two days earlier than it took Facebook walls to reach their peak.
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October 19th, 2013 at 6:54 am
[…] Twitter is more sensitive to news buzz than Facebook […]